The sweet taste of summer! Strawberries are one of the easiest to grow fruit and this summer you will be rewarded with handfuls of berries. Plant the everbearing strawberry starter plants in containers and hanging baskets and the June bearing type in garden beds and borders. Enjoy juicy berries right from your balcony and garden this summer and for years to come!
These varieties are shipped as dormant bare root perennials. Once you receive your collection you can start your plants in pots on a warm windowsill, then you will have lush plants ready when you are. You can also plant these roots directly in the ground once the soil is warm and workable. They can be stored in a cool dark location (between 2-8°C or 35-45°F) for 2 weeks.
Hardiness Zone - 3-9
Plant/Seeds Type - Fruit
Planting Time - Spring
Sun Exposure - Full Sun
Sun Exposure - Partial Sun